Wellcome to National Portal
মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
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Chan Mia Pineaple Garden

সিলেটের গোলাপগঞ্জ উপজেলার ঢাকাদক্ষিণ দত্তরাইল গ্রাম

Kadamtali in Sylhet to Golapganj road. The BNK road has entered through it. The fare per auto-rickshaw from Sylhet is Tk 40 per person. And if you go to the bus, 30 taka. If you get down here and walk for 10 minutes, and 2 to 3 minutes in the car. If you want, you can also take a reserve car from Sylhet. For the whole day, the maximum fare of the auto-rickshaw is Tk 1,000, while the maximum fare of the microbus can be Tk 1,700-1,800.

চাঁন মিয়া পাইনাপেল গার্ডেন